Simplify your Tryout Registration Process
May 13, 2016

Youth sports tryouts can be a stressful time for club administrators as many things need to happen in a relatively short period of time. One piece of the tryout process is player registration. Take a few minutes to think about how players register for your tryout–paper? email? online? walk-up only?
Suffice it to say that if you’re not using online registration you should be. If you are using an online registration system, kudos to you as you’re a step ahead of many clubs. However, are there pain points in your current process? HTGSports has been doing tryout registrations for many years and has refined the process to make it as easy as possible for you to run a tryout.
Some benefits of using HTGSports for tryout registration
- Email notifications – anytime someone registers you’ll receive an email notification.
- Online viewing of registration data–you can easily view sorted lists of players. Players can be filtered by age group & gender.
- Offline viewing – all registration data can easily be exported to an Excel spreadsheet where you can slice and dice the data as you see fit. Some clubs will generate spreadsheets of age appropriate data and then send those out to the respective coaches.
- Tryout cards – our tryout cards are easily printed on big, readable card stock. Tryout cards can then be used at the check-in desk. They can also be distributed to the coaches running that age group tryout. Blank tryout cards can also be printed out and used for walk-up registrations. Information for walk-up registrations can then be added to our system after the fact. (Better yet, if you have wi-fi access at your tryout location, walk-up registrants can register at the event.)

- Player photos can be uploaded as part of the registration process. If a photo is uploaded it will show up on the tryout card.
- Simplicity – our registration is extremely easy to use. The parent doesn’t need to create an account–just register their child (or children) in one step. How many times have you had parents have trouble remembering their login?
- Security – All data entered on our web pages is securely encrypted with SSL. Don’t be the club that puts up a web form and then expect parents to input player data via clear text entry.
Good communication is a key part of running a successful tryout. With HTGSports you can easily communicate with parents via email and push notifications to their mobile devices.
- Weather delays – if your tryouts are outdoors you may have weather issues. With our notification system parents can sign up for notifications and be alerted if a tryout has been delayed or cancelled. As a club administrator, you can easily send the notification from our mobile app from the fields.
- Tryout schedule changes – last minute changes happen all the time at tryouts. With HTGSports you can do a simple email blast to everyone or to a subset of users. You can also use our push notification system to notify parents of changes.

For free, open tryouts we charge a flat fee of $100 for the entire club which allows for unlimited players. We hope you’ll consider using HTGSports for your next tryout event.